Newsletter November 2004 This is the 7th in a series of newsletters which the Board has decided to produce to keep applicants informed from time to time as to the procedures it follows and other developments. The Board's 'Guide to Hearing Procedures' issued in April 2003 and the Board's annual report issued to the Minister for Education and Science in April of this year. In October of this year the Board issued the second edition of its Guide to the Redress Scheme. Applications: To date the Board has completed the process in 2234 cases. 1659 offers have been made following settlement talks and 501 awards have been made following hearings. Two applicants have rejected their awards. No award was made in one application. In applications covering 73 applicants refusals have issued for one reason or another. These applications have been refused as, on the face of the documentation, the application was outside the Boards terms of reference as laid down in the 2002 Act. In other words the applications did not relate to residential institutions as defined in the Act. These applications are determined by the Board immediately on receipt so that the applicant is informed at the earliest possible date that his/her application is outside the ambit of the redress scheme. Redress Board Bands The breakdown of awards by Redress Band is as follows: Redress Bands Total Weightings for Severity of Abuse and Injury/Effects of Abuse Award Payable by way of Redress Number Percentage V 70 or more €200,000 - €300,000 12 0.56% IV 55 – 69 €150,000 - €200,000 61 2.82% III 40 – 54 €100,000 - €150,000 437 20.23% II 25 – 39 € 50,000 - €100,000 1283 59.40% I Less than 25 Up to €50,000 367 16.99% Total 2160 100%
Sittings The Board sits every day in its premises in Clonskeagh and now completes approximately 180 cases per month. It has also sat in Galway and Limerick. The Board sits for approximately one week per month in Cork and will continue to do as long as there are sufficient applications from the region. New Institutions By Order entitled the Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002 (Additional Institutions) Order 2004 dated November 9th 2004 the Minister for Education and Science amended the Schedule to the 2002 Redress Act by adding the following institutions: Bartres Childrens' Home, Kill O'the Grange, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin. Chester Lodge, Moate, Co. Westmeath. Finglas Child & Adolescent Centre, Dublin 11 comprising of: (i) National Remand & Assessment Unit (formerly St. Michael's Remand & Assessment Centre), and (ii) The Care & Education Unit (formerly St. Laurence's Industrial School) Holy Family School, Renmore, Co. Galway. Kilcornan Centre, Clarinbridge, Co. Galway. Marlborough House, Washerwoman's Hill, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Oberstown Boys' Centre, Lusk, Co. Dublin. Oberstown Girls' Centre, Lusk, Co. Dublin. St. Columba's Industrial School, Killybegs, Co. Donegal. St. Patrick's Mother and Baby Home, Navan Road, Dublin. St. Philomena's, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin. St. Teresa's, Blackrock, Co. Dublin. Trinity House, Lusk, Co. Dublin.
Review of Publications
Advice on Financial Management of Award.
MABS has been in operation since 1992 and more details about it are available on website: The Redress Board scheme will be separate from MABS usual advice services. The Board has now advised all award recipients of the service through their solicitors or directly if unrepresented. All future award recipients will be advised of the service once they have accepted an award. MABS may be contacted on 01/ 8645656.