While the Redress Board remains open, the Board wishes to make it clear that it is not involved in the Mother and Baby Institutions Payment Scheme, which has now been established by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth and opened for applications on the 26th of February 2024.
All enquiries about this scheme should be addressed to the Payment Scheme Office, the contact details for which are as follows:
- Phone: +353 1 522 9992, Monday to Friday 09:00-18:00 GMT.
- Email: info@paymentscheme.ie
- Post: PO Box 13668, Waterford, Ireland
The Redress Board was set up under the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002 to make fair and reasonable awards to persons who, as children, were abused while resident in industrial schools, reformatories and other institutions subject to state regulation or inspection.
The Board, which is wholly independent, is chaired by Mr. Justice Esmond Smyth.
It is important to note that the Residential Institutions Redress Board no longer has the power to accept new applications for the following reasons:
In accordance with the provisions of section 8 (1) of the Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002, the closing date for receipt of all applications was the 15th of
December 2005.
In accordance with the provisions of the Residential Institutions Redress (Amendment) Act 2011 the Board's power to accept late applications under sections 8(2) and 8(3) of
the Redress Act 2002 ceased at midnight on the 16th of September 2011.
This Web site provides a general outline of the way in which the Board dealt with applications for redress. All applications were considered in accordance with the provisions of the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002 and the Regulations made under the Act. For further information, please download A Guide to the Residential Institutions Redress Act, 2002.
By reason of Section 8(4) of the Residential Institutions Redress Act 2002, as amended, the Redress Board has not been able to accept any applications made on or after 17 September 2011.
The Redress Board wishes to make it clear that it is not involved in the Ex-gratia scheme – Implementation of the ECtHR Judgement in O’Keeffe -v- Ireland, which deals with child sexual abuse in day schools in certain circumstances.
All enquiries about this scheme should be addressed to the following:-
Department of Education,
Phone – (090) 6483625
Email - exgratia_queries@education.gov.ie